Friday 25 January 2013

Bill Johnson - An Invasion of Error     An Invasion Of Error: A review of Bill Johnson - when heaven invades earth.

This was terribly hard for me to accept as I had been to see Bill Johnson preach and held his teachings in high regard. Of all the teachings and ministries I have had to check out, his I left until last as I was afraid to face what I might find and reluctant to take that step. One day, I took 'When heaven invades earth' off the shelf and started at the beginning with my Bible open next to it. I started reading and juct could not believe what I was reading. I needed to go no further and could not deny even if I had wanted to, the error. I am not going to go into it here, or dissect it here but I would suggest anyone questioning Bill Johnson's teaching should do it with their Bible open. Check the context of verses used (20 before and twenty after is a good rule of thumb). Open a concordance to check the words used and it is plain to see. I was shocked and numbed for several days and deeply saddened. Many many chhurches in the UK are being deeply influenced by Bethel's teachings (especially young people). More to come.